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Video: Hair Tie, Egg, Homework Books

As a model student in her elementary school, 11-year-old Lin Yuqi is assigned to give a speech about her family at the Parent’s Meeting tonight. But after Lin finds out that she shares the same secret with a mischievous classmate, she starts to have second thoughts.

Main Cast: Miao Junyan, Wang Yanglai, Shen Siliang
Presenter: Zhen Jun
Writer/Director: Luo Runxiao
Producer: Wang Lu Ka
Co-Producer: Wang Weihang
Director of Photography: Li Dongjun

Running time: 15 minutes

still shot from film

3 comments on “Video: Hair Tie, Egg, Homework Books

  1. Laure-Anne Bosselaar
    June 22, 2024

    Breaks my heart. How so, so many children are forced into silence like that child…


    • Vox Populi
      June 22, 2024

      Yes, I was in that situation as a child, and you were forced into silence as well, dear friend.



  2. drmandy99
    June 22, 2024

    How sad, and yet how typical.


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