Vox Populi

A curated webspace for Poetry, Politics, and Nature. Over 20,000 daily subscribers, 7,000 archived posts, 73 million hits and 5 million visitors.

Alexis Rhone Fancher: Snake/Holding Things Down

I’m going back to Lowe’s to get a bigger, longer snake, my lover says. Get a king snake, I whisper in his ear. I reach between his legs, cop a feel. Yeah, sure, he says, rolling his eyes. A king snake. He gives my roving hand a squeeze. Or would you prefer a boa constrictor?

May 22, 2024 · 7 Comments

Sandy Solomon: Casual Labor

The man at the front door wants work,
any job. Hand on the knob, I start 
to turn him down, to swing the door’s weight
to, but then I consider my mother’s mother.

September 11, 2023 · 17 Comments
