Vox Populi

A curated webspace for Poetry, Politics, and Nature. Over 20,000 daily subscribers, 7,000 archived posts, 73 million hits and 5 million visitors.

Daniel Lawless: From the Afterlife

My last days were not so bad, my ex-wife says from the afterlife,
Not so bad as you think. So relax.

June 20, 2024 · 17 Comments

Daniel Lawless: Family Photographs: My Brother, Solar Eclipse, 1965

At three o’clock to feel yourself disappear inside yourself —
To cast no shadow.

May 23, 2024 · 5 Comments

Daniel Lawless: The Gun My Sister Killed Herself With

Was a cubit long and weighed half as much
As an average newborn U.S. baby.

October 4, 2023 · 15 Comments

Daniel Lawless: Velda the Seer

Touching my own cheek as she says this, as if she can see
The red palm slap there, courtesy
Of Raymond, sweet sweater-y sexagenarian

July 19, 2023 · 4 Comments
