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Richard Levine: Spring Ephemerals

We are met in this clearing, on this hill,
a breeze pronouncing itself in the still
bare tree crowns. A near distant woodpecker
hammers at bark for bugs, while a carpet
of early spring ephemerals sprawls at our feet.

Are these not the colors and wild flowerings
of creation, that come with showers each spring?
Come Bluebells! Come Bloodroots! And in white
pantaloons, Dutchman’s Breeches! Come Trout Lilly!
Come Trillium in trinity, even you, sexless Wood Anemone.

What beauty-seeking fool would go to a museum
in this season and miss the first Hepatica. Come!

Copyright 2024 Richard Levine

Richard Levine, a retired NYC teacher, is the author of Now in Contest, Selected Poems, Contiguous States, and five chapbooks.  

Bluebells (source: Garden View)

One comment on “Richard Levine: Spring Ephemerals

  1. dwlcx
    May 14, 2024

    A grand procession of ephemerals!!

    Liked by 2 people

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