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Chard deNiord: April

There is a new quality in the air: a sweet

fragrance from the first flowers—that smell 

spring passes under your nose to wake you 

again, more than wake you, stir you 

in such a way that you recall the irony 

that kills: the shadow in the drupe, the up-

swing on the ward.  How strangely 

and therefore divinely your mind suddenly turns 

in its thinking of your soul as a cloud 

that assumes a multitude of mystical forms:

ant, trout, hawk, gazelle. You laugh 

and a flower blooms somewhere beside a door

that opens onto a darkness so deep no light 

can light it, that is the zero by which every-

thing in the world is multiplied at dusk.

Copyright 2024 Chard deNiord

Chard deNiord is the author of six books of poetry including In My Unknowing (University of Pittsburgh Press 2020.  He lives in Westminster West, Vermont.

Chard deNiord

7 comments on “Chard deNiord: April

  1. susansailer
    April 14, 2024

    I love Chard’s poem! Thanks, Michael, for choosing it.

    Cheers, Susan Sailer


  2. donnahilbert
    April 14, 2024



  3. Sydney Les
    April 14, 2024

    beautiful, Chard! And timely!


  4. rosemaryboehm
    April 14, 2024

    A gorgeous poem. LOVE it.


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