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Video: Liberal Redneck | Super Tuesday Smorgasboard

Us liberals got a choice to make, y’all. Then the real fun starts.

Trae Crowder does progressive Southern comedy. Deal with it. “Yeah, I’m a white trash, trailer baby from the deep South,” Crowder said. “But I’m also educated, agnostic, well-read, cultured. I’m all those things at the same time and if you can’t reconcile those things in your head, that’s your problem.”

Running time: 4 minutes

One comment on “Video: Liberal Redneck | Super Tuesday Smorgasboard

  1. TheChattyIntrovert
    March 3, 2020

    oh wow. I always wondered about the whole “gelatin-molding’ every freaking dish possible thing that was going on in the 50s and 60s. I look at those old recipes and just shudder. They look nasty as hell.

    Heck, I can’t even stand fruit in Jello. For me, it’s one or the other, or at the same time but in two separate dishes. The fruit just tastes awful after it’s been in the gelatin so long… blech!

    But I like his analogy all the way through–that actually sounds pretty damned accurate. Certainly feels it.

    Liked by 1 person

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